An R package to aid in the workflow of getting a research project setup and convenient functions for preliminary data processing steps.




Most of the functions are designed to easily and quickly get you through some preliminary data processing steps so you can get to work on processing and analyzing your data.

  • R project template

    Create a research project directory with folders and R script templates:

    File -> New Project -> New Directory -> then choose the ‘Research Study’ template

  • Download R script templates

    R script templates can be downloaded with get_template()

  • Organize files from different computers

    I often collect data on multiple computers on a battery of cognitive tasks. The copy_raw() function helps to get all the files for each task, organized on multiple computers, into one location (usually a network drive or shared folder on a cloud storage system).

  • Bind multiple data files together

    Typically, you start out with individual data files for each subject. The first step, then, is to bind those individual data files into one large data file that contains the data for all subjects for a single task. The files_bind() function will bind (stack) the rows for multiple data files with the same column names.

  • Check for duplicate subject ID’s in your data files

    In large data collection efforts it is not uncommon that subject ID’s will occasionally get entered incorrectly when adminstering a task. The duplicates_check() function will check for duplicate subject ID’s, remove them, and save them to a file so you can sort them out later.

  • Join multiple data files together

    You start out with seperate data files for each task but at some point you will likely want to join (merge) the data files from multiple tasks into one data file that is ready for statistical analysis. The files_join() function will join (merge) multiple data files that have a common id column (e.g., Subject).