Class 4

Reproducible Projects



  • Reproducibility

  • Project Workflow

  • File Organization

  • Importing Data

Reproducible Projects

Reproducibility vs. Just Getting it Done


  • Project organization is often overlooked at the expense of “just getting it done”

  • However, the “just getting it done” approach can lead to a lot of unintended consequences:

    • Inefficient Workflow

    • Time Inefficiency

    • Increased Errors

    • Difficulty in Scaling the Project

    • Barriers to Revising Analysis

    • Challenges in Publishing and Sharing

    • Reproducibility Issues

  • Simply using R does not get around any of this

  • The extra demand of writing code can make the “just getting it done” approach more tempting

So What is the Solution?


The solution is to slow down and give some thought to the organization of your project and it’s reproducibility.


Frontloading effort saves future headaches.


Part of the scientific process involves carefully documenting every step in our procedures

What Does Reproducibility Mean?


Reproducibility means that all data processing and analysis steps can be fully reproduced using only the original raw data files and the execution of the R scripts. There are different levels of reproducibility (I made these up):


  1. Partially reproducible - only some data processing and analysis steps can be reproduced, which may be due to a lack of original raw data files, the “just get it done” approach, or the use of proprietary and non-reproducible software.

  2. Minimally reproducible (acceptable) - all data processing and analysis steps can be reproduced on any research team members computer without any modifications needed.

  3. Moderately reproducible (desired) - meets the minimal level plus other people not involved in the research project can reproduce the steps with minimal modifications.

  4. Highly reproducible (good luck!) - fully reproducible without major modifications needed by people not involved in the research project 5 - 10+ years from now.

Simply using R does not guarantee that your project is reproducible



To ensure at least a moderate level of reproducibility, consider the following criteria (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Your statistical analysis (the final step) can be fully reproduced from the raw data files and your R scripts

  • Your code can be reproduced on other computers without any modifications

  • Your data and R scripts are organized and documented in a way that makes them easily understandable

It is important to take the time and think about the organization of your project, files, data, and scripts.

Project Workflow

Data Analysis Workflow

A good starting point for organizing your project is to map out the steps required for processing and analyzing your data


A typical data analysis workflow looks something like this:


I suggest using this data analysis workflow as a starting point for organizing your project:

  • Organize your folders and files to match this workflow

  • Create separate scripts for each stage

File Organization

Good project organization starts with easy to understand folder and file organization. You want this organization to match your data analysis workflow:


data folder

Notice how the structure of the data folder follows the data analysis workflow

File Organization

Good project organization starts with easy to understand folder and file organization. You want this organization to match your data analysis workflow:


data folder

Notice how the structure of the data folder follows the data analysis workflow

File Organization

Good project organization starts with easy to understand folder and file organization. You want this organization to match your data analysis workflow:


R folder

Put all your R scripts in one folder

Append a prefix number and suffix corresponding to the order to be ran and what stage of the data analysis workflow it is in:

  • 1_tidyraw.R

  • 2_score_clean.R

  • 3_merge.R

These should be cleaned up, commented, and easy to understand

  • Untitled.R: scratchpad to test out code

File Organization

Good project organization starts with easy to understand folder and file organization. You want this organization to match your data analysis workflow:


analyses folder

Quarto documents (Class 5) that you will use to genearate reports for exploring your data, creating data visualizations, and conduct statistical analyses

  • Main Analyses.qmd

These documents should be cleaned up, well organized, and easy to understand.

  • Untitled.qmd: scratchpad to test out code

File Organization

Good project organization starts with easy to understand folder and file organization. You want this organization to match your data analysis workflow:



You might also consider creating a mainscript.R or mainscript.qmd file to source all your R scripts and Quarto documents, rather than opening and sourcing each R script and Quarto document one at a time.

## data preparation

## data scoring

## statistical analysis
quarto_render("analyses/Main Analyses.qmd")

File Organization

Good project organization starts with easy to understand folder and file organization. You want this organization to match your data analysis workflow:



You might also consider creating a mainscript.R or mainscript.qmd file to source all your R scripts and Quarto documents, rather than opening and sourcing each R script and Quarto document one at a time.

## data preparation

## data scoring

## statistical analysis
quarto_render("analyses/Main Analyses.qmd")

Importing Data

Using File Paths to Import Data


  1. Use setwd()
  2. Use the RStudio Import Dataset GUI
  3. Use RProjects and here()

Using File Paths to Import Data


  1. Use setwd()
  2. Use the RStudio Import Dataset GUI
  3. Use RProjects and here()

File Paths

R needs to know the full file path to the file on your computer in order to import it - this is what is referred to as an absolute file path. Absolute file paths start at the root directory of your computer and might look something like:


On Macs:


On Windows:


Relative file paths on the other hand, start from a folder - typically a project folder


File Paths


  • Relative file paths need to be used in order for your project to meet even a minimal level of reproducibility.

  • However, at some point your computer does need to know the absolute file path to your project folder.

  • A convenient and reproducible way of doing this is by using a combination of RStudio Projects and here::here() .

RStudio Projects

RStudio Projects are convenient for a number of reasons, but the most useful thing is setting a file marker for where the root directory of your project folder is located.


To create an RStudio Project:

Create a folder for your project (if you do not have one yet)

File -> New Project…

Choose Existing Directory -> Browse to your project folder -> Create Project


When working on your project, you should always open RStudio by opening the .Rproj file

RStudio Projects


You can also see which RStudio project is open and open RStudio projects in the very top-right corner of RStudio.


In combination with RStudio projects the here package offers a convenient way of specifying relative file paths.


When you load the here package with library(here) it will search for the .Rproj file and start file paths at that point whenever the here() function is used.


here() starts at /Users/jtsukahara3/GitHub Repos/r-for-psychology-students


  • Notice how that where here() starts is an absolute file path to your project folder.

  • You did not have to specify the absolute file path in code. Meaning this is a reproducible way for the absolute file path to automatically be set.



Now you can use a relative file path inside of here()


[1] "/Users/jtsukahara3/GitHub Repos/r-for-psychology-students/data/a_file.csv"


Every time you use here() you know that the file path will start at where you have your .Rproj file saved.


You can visually separate the folder path and the file name, making your script easier to read.


here("data", "a_file.csv")
[1] "/Users/jtsukahara3/GitHub Repos/r-for-psychology-students/data/a_file.csv"



You can then use here() inside of import and and output functions:



data_import <- read_csv(here("data", "a_file.csv"))

write_csv(data_import, here("data", "a_new_file.csv"))

Using Templates


Writing organized, clean, and easy to understand R code is hard


I have developed an R package psyworkflow that contains R script templates you can use



First, if you do not have the devtools package installed:



Install the psyworkflow package from my GitHub repository using the devtools package:



Session -> Restart R


See documentation on psyworkflow

Download R Script Templates

If you already have an RProject setup and just want to download some of the R script templates you can do so with the get_template() function.




To see what the options are type in the console window


Download R Script Templates


# ---- Setup -------------------------------------------------------------------
# packages
library(purrr) # delete if not importing a batch of files

# directories
import_dir <- "data/raw/messy"
output_dir <- "data/raw"

# file names
task <- "taskname"
import_file <- paste(task, ".txt", sep = "")
output_file <- paste(task, "raw.csv", sep = "_")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ---- Import Data -------------------------------------------------------------
# to import a single file
data_import <- read_delim(here(import_dir, import_file), delim = "\t",
                          escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE)

# alternatively to import a batch of files...
# change the arguments in purrr::map_df() depending on type of data files
# this example is for files created from eprime and needs encoding = "UCS-2LE"
files <- list.files(here(import_dir, task), pattern = ".txt", full.names = TRUE)
data_import <- files |>
  map_df(read_delim, delim = "\t",
         escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE, na = "NULL",
         locale = locale(encoding = "UCS-2LE"))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ---- Tidy Data ---------------------------------------------------------------
data_raw <- data_import |>
  rename() |>
  filter() |>
  mutate() |>
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ---- Save Data ---------------------------------------------------------------
write_csv(data_raw, here(output_dir, output_file))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rm(list = ls())

Create a New Project

I have made a RStudio Project template that will setup a folder and file organization for you


Close RStudio and reopen a new instance of RStudio (not from an RProject file).


To create an RProject from this template:


File -> New Project… -> New Directory -> Research Study (you might need to scroll down to see it)

Create a New Project

This will bring up a window to customize the template:

Type in whatever you want for the Directory Name - this will end up being the name of the project folder and RProject file.

Click on Browse… and create the project on your desktop, for now.

Keep all the defaults and select Create Project.

Give it some time, and it will reopen RStudio from the newly created RProject. Take a look at the file pane and you can see that the folders have been created, and R Script templates downloaded.


Reproducibility vs. Just Getting it Done


  • Project organization is often overlooked at the expense of “just getting it done”

  • However, the “just getting it done” approach can lead to a lot of unintended consequences:

    • Inefficient Workflow

    • Time Inefficiency

    • Increased Errors

    • Difficulty in Scaling the Project

    • Barriers to Revising Analysis

    • Challenges in Publishing and Sharing

    • Reproducibility Issues

Simply using R does not guarantee that your project is reproducible



To ensure at least a moderate level of reproducibility, consider the following criteria (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Your statistical analysis (the final step) can be fully reproduced from the raw data files and your R scripts

  • Your code can be reproduced on other computers without any modifications

  • Your data and R scripts are organized and documented in a way that makes them easily understandable

It is important to take the time and think about the organization of your project, files, data, and scripts.