
The purpose of this course is for you to gain a basic level of proficiency in 1) working with data, 2) data visualization, and 3) statistical computation in R. This course will cover the basics in each of these areas and from there you should be equipped to continue learning more on your own and from other courses.

Although it will be applicable to a wide-range of disciplines, it is aimed for the undergraduate and graduate students in psychology. As such, in terms of statistical computation, the course only covers how to perform the basics of ANOVA and Regression that is typically taught in the psychology curriculum.

Course Prep

Before starting the course you should read the following sections

📖 What is R?

📖 Prerequisites

Optional: For a more extensive introduction to R see the supplemental materials

📖 R Basics

📖 R Intermediate


Class 1: An Introduction to Working with Data in R

Class 2: Import, Merge, and Restructure Data

Class 3: Data Transformation

Class 4: Reproducible Projects

Class 5: Data Preparation

Class 6: Data Scoring

Class 7: Quarto Documents

Class 8: Data Visualization

Class 9: Statistical Analysis - ANOVA

Class 10: Statistical Analysis - Regression